2018 juin-juillet: Inscription aux Cours d’été

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B1 Lecture et conversation: le monde des artistes à travers la littérature
À partir de la lecture de nouvelles, d’extraits de romans et d’essais du dix-neuvième siècle, nous découvrirons le monde de l’art et des artistes parisiens. Tous les textes pour le cours sont disponibles gratuitement en ligne.
By reading short stories and excerpts from novels and essays by French nineteenth-century writers we will explore the Parisian world of artand learn about the lives of artists. All the assigned readings are available for free online. (The instructor will provide links to the material.)
Honoré de Balzac:Le chef d’oeuvre inconnu
Émile Zola:L’Oeuvre (extrait)
Charles Baudelaire: “Le peintre de la vie moderne” (extrait)
Class schedule: weekly one-hour meetings (6 weekly meetings) at Foolish Things Coffee Shop (1001 South Main Street)
Thursday June 21, 6-7 p.m.
Thursday June 28, 6-7 p.m.
Thursday July 5, 6-7 p.m.
Thursday July 12, 6-7 p.m.
Thursday July 19, 6-7 p.m.
Thursday July 26, 6-7 p.m.
About the instructor:  Danielle Carlotti-Smith teaches comparative literature in the Global Scholars program at the University of Tulsa. She holds a MA in French Cultural Studies from Columbia University and a Ph.D. in French from the University of Virginia. Her main areas of interest are nineteenth- and twentieth-century French literature, contemporary Francophone Caribbean and African literature, and French cinema.
A1 Beginner’s class, Débutants:  Become a Francophile!

Notre objectif:  Rendre les étudiants autonomes dans la gestion de situations variées de la vie quotidienne. Our (class) objective is to familiarize students with ways to manage a variety of daily life encounters.  The instructor will provide course materials.

Leçons:  Vivre une ville, les problèmes du quotidien, nous organisons des événements; communautés durables, mots et expressions, info ou intox, innovations françaises, et aussi nous nous intéressons à la culture.

Class schedule: weekly 1.5 hour meetings (8 weekly meetings)
About the instructor:  Judy Glenn enjoys teaching beginning-level French from a current affairs angle. She holds a BA in liberal education with emphasis in marketing, languages and psychology from Langston University. She has experience to share on hosting international visitors, coordinating Sister cities efforts, web development, social media and French cinema.


2 Responses

  1. When does the Debutnats class start and what are the dates and location of the class? Thanks,

    Susan Palmer


    1. The débutants class will be held on Tuesdays beginning June 12, from 6:00-7:30pm and will be held at the instructor’s midtown home, near TU. Eight 1.5 hour classes will be held Tuesdays, June-July with a few alternate Saturday options for any missed dates.

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